Example for Reinvestment

When the lock-up period ends, Bob checks the latest data shown on the page “Positions.”

  • Total Equity Value = 1,118,356.14 USDT

  • Total PNL= 118,356.14 USDT

  • Total product deposited=1,000,000 USDT

  • APY=48 %

But Bob doesn’t want to withdraw right now. Instead, he would like to reinvest for the compound. What’s the next step?

Method 1:

Bob can leave the assets in the product without doing anything.

When the next term of the “Onebit Smart Trend - USDT” starts, his total equity value will be automatically transferred into term-4.

His initial deposit will be 1,118,356.14 USDT.

Method 2:

Bob can also reinvest a part of his total equity value.

He follows the instructions and withdraws the partial amount, for example, 118,356.14 USDT. The rest of the equity (1,000,000 USDT) will be automatically transferred to the next term of the product “Onebit Arbitrage Alpha - USDT.”

The time interval between two terms in the same product is the Open Period. This is when users are allowed to make deposits or withdrawals.

Last updated